FOI Structure
The Fellowship of Isis is arranged into several groups, or "Foundation-Center Societies." For more information about each one and our focus within them, see the sections below. All structures and guidelines found on this site were created by the sole policy maker of the Fellowship of Isis, co-founder Olivia Robertson, for the entire Fellowship of Isis. You may read more about the international FOI on the Fellowship of Isis Homepage. (offsite link)
Spiral of the Adepti - Iseums
Iseums are "Hearths of the Goddess" that offer initiations, seasonal rites, general teachings and overall fellowship. They may also offer Priest/ess training if the Founder is ordained with the FOI. Each Iseum has its own magic, its own Divinity and is dedicated to a Goddess, or a Goddess and God. Members may practice any other religion or path in conjunction with Iseum work. Any member may found an Iseum.
The Iseum Initiate Level system was created by Olivia Robertson in 1999. Iseum Initiations are pursued by those who wish an alternative to a Vocation in the Priesthood & the Lyceum Magi Degree Path. Iseum Initiates are called to be in service to the Goddess in other, more secular, capacities. Examples (but not limited to) are: healing, aromatherapy, dreamwork, astrology, geomancy, oracles, etc.
Our Participation: The Crossroads Lyceum is also an Iseum within the Fellowship of Isis. We offer Fellowship Initiate Levels through our correspondence programs and also sponsor our students for Adepthood and their own Iseums. (Go to our home-study section.)
College of Isis Lyceums
Our Participation: The Crossroads Lyceum is a full-service correspondence Lyceum. We offer Priesthood Training, Magi Degrees and sponsor our students in forming their own Lyceums as Hierophants. (Go to our home-study section.)
© Crossroads Lyceum/FOI
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Noble Order of Tara - Priories
The Noble Order of Tara (NOT) was founded in May of 1989 and promotes dedicated work for our planet. This Foundation-Center Society is an Order of Chivalry organized into chapters, called Priories. Each are founded by a Grand Dame or Knight of the Order. The purposes and patron Deities of individual Priories vary widely, but all join together under one goal: the protection and preservation of Nature.
Our Participation: Our "Gardens for Gaia Priory" has several local subchapters whose purpose is to promote individual responsibility in the preservation of Nature. See our centers page for further information.
Druid Clan of Dana - Groves
The Druid Clan of Dana (DCD) was established by Olivia and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in 1992. Groups within the DCD are organized into Groves and the Grove Goddess may be of any race or tradition. The purpose of the Druid Clan of Dana is to develop nature's psychic gifts.
Our Participation: Our "Sacred Grove of the Starry Desert" honors the indigenous Deities of Star Woman and Corn Woman through its healing and mystical work. See our centers page for further information.